CA-450M air flow calibrator, designed for flow calibration to air samplers. Its range is from 50 to 500 m3/h. It does not use the complex orifice plate and water pressure gauge, with precision machined venturi tube and differential pressure sensor design, easy to use.
Environmental Protection
Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs)
Nuclear Industry
Product Features
Up to 150m3/h
Side-channel vacuum pump
7” touch screen
Three sampling modes
Scientific Research Institution
National Defense Units
Customs and Port Sample Testing
Nuclear Medicine
Interventional Medicine
Radiation Medicine
Nuclear Counter-...
It quickly detects the levels of radioactive contamination in food or water.
It is suitable for families, enterprises, shopping malls and inspection and quarantine, disease control, environmental protection and other institutions.
It is used to measure the specific radioactivity of the 137Cs and 131I radioisotopes in food and water (including vario...
It is designed for secondary high temperature oxidation zones. The oxidative combustion of organic samples in a high-temperature aerobic environment generates water and carbon dioxide. It absorb carbon dioxide through the bulb, and utilizes this principle to extract tritium and carbon-14 from biological samples, thus facilitating the measurement of tritium and carbon-14 activity by liquid scintillation counters.
Nuclear Medicine
Nuclear Industry
Nuclear Power Station
Renewable Resources
Scientific Research Institute
Product Features
Local display of measurements with up to 16 intelligent dose rate probes